Monday, 12 January 2009

Aura level (5th - 11th of Jan)

Yes that's right my aura is still very high. I don't know what going on in 09, but I'm getting compliments all over the place. And its not me saying them to myself in different mirrors all around the house. There coming from other people!

All this hype I've been giving myself since is college is passing through peoples, "Whatever I don't care!" barrier and there starting to see the glow and the star quality.

I got to banging 2 steps beats from Kwame of Undasound production ( so gunna write to them this week.

I found a place that does prints. so reprint of my painting are coming.

Also Spoke to Old schoolfriend Terrance another amazing painter ( About putting on a exhibition this year.

Plus i was searching 4 a brown scarf and could find one in the whole of westfields. Then my flat mate gave me one brown scarf (With difffrent shades, better than what i was looking 4 to.) they just got and didnt really like.
So its a positive start to the year. And 24's season 7 begins tonight.

My aura should b @ 90% but i went to the cinema, to watch The spirit. Crappiest film of this decade. talk about that later...

Overall I'm in my happy place and motivated! Yeah baby!

1 comment:

  1. I'm encouraged by your aura level - but don't think I haven't noticed more mirrors randomly appearing around your room - I'm actually gonna count them... keep talking to them and that's like what, 4, 5 compliments a day?

    Jus playing - I, your honour, can bear witness to the fact that flamer flames is lit up like picadilly circus - aura is BLINGIN!!
